It is such a blessing that we have the body of believers praying and supporting us.

Little updates- We continue to gather at our or Mikavas home every Sunday for our Sunday worship and lunch together, we now have 14 visitors (not counting our families) that come consistently and that is our great joy. Our prayer that God bestows grace upon them and they all become born-again believers and grow in knowledge and love for our Savior. 
Starting February we now have a woman’s bible study every Tuesday and a man’s bible study every Thursday.
In April we had four small (due to Corona) woman gatherings and had the opportunity to share the gospel and make handmade earrings with my friend Kat who came to visit us from Seattle.
Every other Saturday we drive to a city that is 3 hours away from us, where about 10-15 people gather and we have service with them. Praying God sends man leaders who are willing to shepherd and lead this group.

Every Tuesday we drive to a different village about 30 minutes away, where we have an English kids club and once in a while we gather women for fellowship and bible study. (They are not yet ready to meet every week) but we look for opportunities, holidays, and whatever we can to use as an opportunity to gather and build relationships for the gospel’s sake. 
Thursday is our visiting day where we chose a couple of families that we have some relationship with and visit them with some care package and gospel.
The remaining days we constantly meet with people, in order to build relationships and have the opportunity to share Christ.

Our kids are doing great as well they are finishing up homeschooling for this year, involved and helping us lead worship and in whatever they can, all 3 are taken vocals, piano and enjoy Georgian dance lesson. Kids love Georgia and we’re happy they are part of this mission as well.

Prayer requests-
Please pray for our family, Mikava family, a young lady Anna who moved here from Belarus for several years, also pray for Alex and his wife Valya who are moving to Georgia in June from Russia to serve for a couple of years. Pray for unity, strength, spiritual and physical health.

We are praying to purchase land and build a church building, this would help and open doors tremendously.

Praying for all summer activities with corona restrictions, curfew hours, not enough Christians, makes it hard but we are praying for a 3-day church retreat, 2 woman camp outreaches, youth camp, and 3-day outdoor youth hike, couple of children day camps are some nearby villages. Praying for ability, wisdom, and finances to do all that God intended for us to do.

Pray for us to come to California for 3 weeks in September for David’s sister’s wedding (not sure on dates yet), to see you all, get recharge and go back with renewed strength.

We are so grateful to be here and share Christ,  it does get hard, lonely, painful, and heartbroken at times but yet we won’t change it for anything else. Christ is with us and it is a privilege to make much of Him, the world has lost its cravings and flavor on us and we desire to know Him more and make Him known.

Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers. All for the glory of God and His kingdom  with love Donchenkos

Feel free to email us with any questions, encouragement, and inspiration from God’s word.