You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

2 Corinthians 3:2-3

I must confess that writing posts, emails, or updates are challenging. However, I understand it is a must to have our friends and family pray for God’s kingdom and will to be done in Georgia as well. Life on this side of the world is busy, but a different type of busy, and much more happens when I find time and energy to write a post.
Dec – Jan, we had many great opportunities to do different ministries in Zugdidi and the nearby region. We made a little clip, photos from the winter outreaches, and prayer requests for every city that we visited with the gospel, gifts, love, and hoping that those seeds that were sowed produce fruit of Salvation.
Zugdidi has tough spiritual ground, the churches in Tbilisi tried sending here missionaries before trying having children camps and outreaches, but nothing would work. They call this side of Georgia, where Samigrelo people live quick spiritual sand or swamp swallows. They said that for so many years, they tried different ministries, but nothing would work, felt like the doors were shut. There was never a bible-based church in Zugdidi. So what we see God doing now in this region is so encouraging. Doors are being opened. We have many opportunities to serve to gather kids and parents for outreaches. Now we struggle with another problem: we do not have leaders and pastors willing to lead. Please pray that God raises people from this region to serve the Samigrelo people. Also, pray that those Christian Georgians worldwide, especially those who lived in Samegrelo, would return to Georgia to labor for God’s kingdom. The harvest is plenty but not enough labor.
We understand that we are at the stage of building relationships, sowing, praying, and sowing more; we are not gathering much yet, but we do see how much has already changed. In those five years, God has done a lot, and we are eager to see what else He will do.
Please enjoy the clip and pause the slide show and pray for every city.
Thank you, friends, for your prayers and support!!!